Head Coach Chris Pratt
Coaching Education/Licensing Level:

How many years have you been on staff with Hartford United SC? 10 years
Why do you coach youth soccer? I enjoy watching players develop from a young age in a sport that they love while working through adversity and finding success. Creating friendships that will last a lifetime. Seeing the players excited for training and games reminds me of my son when he was their ages.
What is the best advise you could give young players? Work hard on the technical side of soccer knowing that it will be a long journey. Without the strong foundation of technique you will not be able to enjoy long term success in the future.
What is your favorite hobby (outside of soccer)? I enjoy hunting and outdoor activities.
What is your favorite movie? National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
What is your favorite food? Homemade Chicken Pot Pie
Did you play soccer growing up? – If so, how many years? Yes – 10 years
Who do you look up to as a coaching mentor? Jim Schrot
Why HUSC? HUSC prides itself on developing kids the right way. Instilling a strong soccer foundation through technical training while teaching players tactical concepts, all while promoting the players to be self-thinking. All levels of competition cannot be achieved without this. We have players from all over southeastern Wisconsin that have the same desire for success through the soccer journey but it is not just about the sport, it is also about the life lessons they have learned that will build kids into hard working, confident, self-thinking adults.