Code Of Conduct

Hartford United SC is interested in maintaining a positive, supportive

environment for everyone involved. Good sportsmanship and proper conduct

requires the respect of others and control of emotion. The Hartford United SC

Parent Code of Conduct Policy outlines expectations/appropriate behavior and

consequences when inappropriate behavior arises.


  • Never yell at, verbally abuse, threaten, use profanity, touch or invade the space of a Hartford

United SC Coach, Assistant Coach, Manager, Board Member, Player, Parent, Referee,

Opponentʼs Coach or Player at anytime. Confrontational behavior is completely unacceptable.

  • Do not coach/interfere with players during a training/practice or during a game/match.

Direction/ instruction from a parent is often confusing to the player and/or contradictory of the

coach. Coaching from the sideline undermines the coach and is counterproductive to the Hartford

United SC player and team development initiatives.

  • Address all team concerns/issues with the Head Coach directly. Any discussion with the coach

should be in private. Do not discuss issues/concerns before, during or after a game. HUSC has

a 24 hour rule; please wait until a minimum of 24 hours has passed before approaching a coach

with all questions and/or concerns.

  • Communicate player absences or tardiness to the Head Coach with reasonable notice.
  • Respond to team communications/information (email, text, phone calls) promptly.
  • Honor your commitment to the team; practices, games, tournaments, events, volunteer hours.
  • Criticism of players, opponents, coaches, referees is unacceptable.
  • Harassing; continuous badgering, questioning, complaining via text, phone calls and/or emails to a

Hartford United SC Coach and/or Assistant Coach is completely unacceptable.

  • This list of expectations is not all inclusive and subject to change.

In the event there is an issue and you have not resolved it with the Head Coach or if there is a

question/complaint regarding a Hartford United SC coach, or a team related issue, please contact

Jim Schrot (Director of Coaching) at: / 920-517-4411.


Poor conduct and disrespectful behavior embarrasses your child, other parents and will not be

tolerated. Hartford United SC reserves the right to suspend spectator privileges and possible player/

entire family expulsion/ban from any team and/or the club when the Parent Code of Conduct Policy

is violated. You may appeal in writing to the Hartford United SC Executive Board of Directors.

  • I have read, understand, agree with and will adhere to the Hartford

United SC Parent Code of Conduct Policy at all times.

  • I understand that the Parent Code of Conduct also applies to my family

members and guests in attendance at Hartford United SC Events, and I

agree to share with them the expectations outlined above.

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