An Interview With Past HUSC Player Connor Behnke

What was your jersey number with Hartford United?
Where are you currently playing and what position(s) are you playing?
I just finished up my career at Carroll and am playing club with Croatian Eagles. I’ve been a centre back for my entire life.
Do you have a goal to play professional soccer after college?
I plan on flying to Europe after graduation in May to attempt to play professionally.
Do you plan to coach once your playing career is over?
At this point in my life, I am not sure whether I plan to coach or not. If I end up getting a contract and having a relatively successful professional career, I will probably coach afterwards. Otherwise, I will be searching for a job in my field of study (finance).
Did you play rec soccer before coming to HUSC?
I played rec soccer in Hartford before joining HUSC.
Were you excited or nervous to join HUSC?
I always had a nervous excitement before joining a new club throughout my career. It’s the same feeling that I get before games, and that’s what tells me to keep playing.
Any memories of that transition that you can share for new players joining us?
I remember transferring from my rec team to a select team with players that had been together for several years already; I only knew a few players, and not very well at that. A big part of transitioning into a new club is to stay composed and not let any external influences affect the way you play.
If you could meet up with one HUSC coach for breakfast who would it be and why?
Jim Schrot, we connected right away and I’ve remained in contact with him ever since.
If you had to do it all over again, is there anything that you would do different?
I would have done some academy soccer somewhere and tried to improve my game to be the best that I could be. It’s difficult to make those decisions at an early age. I was always a multi-sport athlete and it was nearly impossible at the time for me to decide on a sole sport to devote all of my time to.
What was most important to you in your development as a player with Hartford United SC?
The coaches that guided me through my years at Hartford United were essential to my development as an athlete and as a person. They have all been positive influences on my career and I still remain in contact with some of the coaches that I had ten years ago.
What is your proudest accomplishment with Hartford United SC?
My proudest accomplishment is being a part of the first Hartford United team to advance to the State League.
What advice would you give current players as they set goals in hopes of playing at the college level?
Be the most coachable person and player that you can be. Treat every moment from every game as something that can be learned from. Acknowledge your weaknesses and strive to improve them.