Head Coach Jim Dietlemeier

Coaching Education/Licensing Level:
State D

How many years have you been on staff with Hartford United SC?

12 years

Why do you coach youth soccer?

  1. I love the sport
  2. I enjoy watching the kids develop and have success
  3. I feel I have a lot of knowledge of the sport to share

What is the best advice you could give young players?

Never get discouraged. Listen, apply and work hard during training sessions and games. Believe that you will succeed.

What is your favorite hobby (outside of soccer)?


What is your favorite movie?

Bourne Series

What is your favorite food?

Ice Cream

Did you play soccer growing up? – If so, how many years?

Yes, I started playing when I was 4 and played & coached into my 20’s. 

Who do you look up to as a coaching mentor?

Alex Nikolic 


HUSC shares the same values I have about the sport. 

Develop over winning.

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