Years played at HUSC:
I played at Hartford United Soccer Club from 1996 to 2008
Where did you play college soccer:
Marian University in Fond du Lac Wisconsin
College Major:
Criminal Justice Law Enforcement
Job Title:
Police Officer

What did you learn by being a part of HUSC?
I learned many things but one of the biggest was controlling the soccer ball and passing as a team. I remember coaches at HUSC always striving to have players work together as a team and pass the ball. Soccer is a team sport and the game is played easier/better when passing the ball and making the defense chase you all over the field. This translated big into college soccer for me which helped me play for my college soccer team.
Advice for current HUSC players?
Practice Practice and more practice. When your at home juggle the ball, practice trapping the ball, and controlling the ball. In the end if you can control the ball and look up and see the field you will have a great soccer career at HUSC, in college or further.
What is your favorite memory from your HUSC soccer days?
My favorite memory is traveling to Colorado for the State Games of America and winning the gold medal.
Is soccer still a part of your life and if so how?
Soccer is still a part of my life. After college I went onto play in Milwaukee for a first division semi-pro team and now play pick up soccer in West Bend. Along with that I am a certified US Soccer Referee and referee soccer games.