What was your jersey number with Hartford United?
Jersey #8
Where are you currently playing and what position(s) are you playing?
I am currently playing at the University of St. Thomas as a forward/center midfielder.
Do you have a goal to play professional soccer after college?
I do not plan on playing professional soccer after college, because I plan on furthering my education to one day become a Physical Therapist.

Do you plan to coach once your playing career is over?
I could potentially see myself coaching once my playing career is over. Possibly younger age groups, if anything.
Were you excited or nervous to join HUSC?
I was both nervous and excited to join HUSC! It was my first club soccer team, so that transition from recreational soccer to club soccer was huge for me. The second I started playing on my first club team at HUSC I knew I was in the right place. With that, my excitement continued to grow and the nerves finally settled and eventually were nonexistent.
Any memories of the transition to HUSC that you can share for new players joining us?
I will never forget my transition to HUSC from my recreational soccer team. I had played for the Erin Soccer Club from U6 all the way up until U14. My eighth grade year, I knew I wanted more competition as my love for the game just continued to grow. I had been repeatedly told to join Hartford United as the coaching staff and the players were great. With that, I tried out for the U14 girls HUSC team and have never once regretted my decision. This team and club as a whole truly transformed me as a player, making my transition to HUSC that much more memorable to me as both an athlete and as an individual.
If you could meet up with one HUSC coach for breakfast who would it be and why?
If I could meet up with one coach for breakfast, it would have to be Jim Schrot. Although Jim was never a coach of mine, he helped me develop as a player through individual training sessions over the years. He is one I could talk to for hours whether it be about soccer, or life in general. One I can joke around with, and be serious when needed. It is just the type of person and coach he is!
If you had to do it all over again, is there anything that you would do different?
If I had to do it all over again, I would most definitely have joined HUSC at a younger age. More so in grade school, rather than joining my eighth grade year. It would’ve allowed me to grow even more as a player with that high level of competition that recreational soccer doesn’t always have.
What was most important to you in your development as a player with Hartford United SC?
What was most important to me in my development as a player with HUSC was my dedication level. With each practice, I strived to become better knowing that it can only help me. Without being committed to the sport, it is hard to grow as a player because there is not an effort being made to grow. Putting your all into each practice, and every game made the developmental process both challenging yet rewarding. Knowing that, dedicating myself was always most important.
What is your proudest accomplishment with Hartford United SC?
One of my proudest moments with Hartford United would have to be being back-to-back Kick Some Grass tournament champions. I knew throughout each tournament, and in each one of the championship games that every girl wanted the title as much as the next. With the tournament being so early on in the season, it allowed us to grow as a team and connect and teammates. We learned each other’s strengths and weaknesses on the field early on, so that we were able to help eachother in times of struggle and encourage eachother in times of need throughout the season.
What advice would you give current players as they set goals in hopes of playing at the college level?
Advice I would give to current players as they set goals in hopes of playing at the college level would be to always take advantage of any opportunities presented to you. If you have a strong passion for the game, one strong enough to want to play collegiate level soccer, don’t stop playing. Join leagues, both indoor and outdoor. Try something new as in futsol. Expand your knowledge of the game through gaining experience. But make sure to have fun while doing so, because if it is not enjoyable, why continue? However, having success comes from first having failures. Everyone is going to have a bad practice, a game where you just weren’t on, a training session that just wasn’t feeling right. But that is the beauty of being an athlete. It may be club soccer, high school soccer, or even collegiate soccer, you are going to have days where you question “Can I even do this anymore?” The answer is yes, you can. This all may sound cliche but it is the utmost truth. Becoming a college athlete does not come easy, but if you have the drive to want to be better, you will do just that and so much more. To take that next step from high school into college, you are going to have to push yourself. You are going to want that competitive mindset. But you also need to take a step back and relax once in awhile. It may be a stressful process, but if have that love for the game and the want to get yourself to that next level, you will get there and before you know it, the stress will be a weight lifted off your shoulders.