Years played at HUSC:
I played for Hartford United SC for 8+ years
Where did you play college soccer:
Marian University of Wisconsin
College Major:
Sports and Recreation Management and Athletic Coaching

Job Title:
Stay-at-home mom and Director of Business for HUSC
What did you learn by being a part of HUSC?
During my time being a part of HUSC, I learned that the only way to grow in soccer is when you step outside of your comfort zone. For myself, this was going from the girls team to trying out for the boys team. The coaches who saw my potential and pushed me to grow on the boys teams, taught that its okay to be uncomfortable and embrace adversity. Those coaches prepared me for what I would face during my college career.
Advice for current HUSC players?
LEARN..LEARN..LEARN…Learn together, make friends, and don’t be afraid to believe in yourself.
What is your favorite memory from your HUSC soccer days?
It’s hard to pick one memory as a favorite. When I look back at my years with Hartford United SC I remember the friendships that I built with my teammates and coaches. These friends and coaches who I spend many hours with for years we still keep in touch. The friendships that were built is what I will remember forever.
Is soccer still a part of your life and if so how?
Soccer is still part of my life. During and after my college career I coached for two seasons as the JV girls coach at Hartford Union High School. Now, that I have a family of my own I have coached recreation soccer and my oldest is now apart of HUSC which has allowed me to reinvest into HUSC the club that did so much for me.