What was your jersey number with Hartford United?
Where (school) are you currently playing and what position(s) are you playing?
North Central College
Left Wing (11), Right Wing (7), Attacking Mid (10), Striker (9)

Do you have a goal to play professional soccer after college?
Probably not. I understand how difficult that is to achieve and will focus on my educational career.
Do you plan to coach once your playing career is over?
Maybe in seasons where I’d have a lot of free time, for example winter.
Were you excited or nervous to join HUSC?
I was super excited. One of my main reasons for moving back to the United States was to play for HUSC under Jim Schrot.
Any memories of the transition to HUSC that you can share for new players joining us?
Becoming friends with the players at first was a little challenging. But the coaches made sure to connect the players and by the first year we were family.
If you could meet up with one HUSC coach for breakfast who would it be and why?
Derek Navin. He has the best lessons and support for every team. He’s the most caring and understanding coach I’ve met. I would meet up for breakfast with him because I want to see him again.
If you had to do it all over again, is there anything that you would do differently?
I would not have moved back to Greece my 8th grade year, and stuck with the club since my 7th grade year.
What was most important to you in your development as a player with Hartford United SC?
Everything that was coached was made sure to be learned and worked on. The coaches knew the game like it was first nature, and made sure each team understood what was being coached and accomplished. Even from a really young age, the coaches made sure our team was more than just a team, but a family.
What is your proudest accomplishment with Hartford United SC?
Becoming Captain. To be respected enough to have the responsibility of taking charge in a leadership role for the players I love most was everything to me. Nothing felt better than bringing the team together under the best coach out there, Jim Schrot.
What advice would you give current players as they set goals in hopes of playing at the college level?
Stay positive and never give up. Stay confident, not arrogant. Believe that you are here for a reason, and show everyone what you have. Make your statement. Finally, remember that your team is your family, treat them as such.